Customers will be charged bag fees when placing orders on the Just Eat platform in line with recent legislation changes, which expanded the charge for certain types of carrier bags beyond supermarkets to all businesses.
This means that all businesses, including restaurants, are now required by law to charge customers for certain types of carrier bags. The bag fee on your order is set by the restaurant or store, and not by Just Eat.
What is this bag fee charge?
All businesses are required by law to charge customers for certain types of carrier bags. The fee charged is based on how many bags the business uses on average across all orders.
I didn’t receive a bag, can I please be refunded?
As this is a blanket charge for the general amount of bags a business uses, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll receive a bag. The fee is based on how many bags the restaurant uses on average across all orders.
Why's the bag fee more expensive than on my previous order?
The place you ordered from may have updated their bag fee since your last order to better reflect the number of bags they use on average.
Why do bag fees vary for different businesses?
Legislation varies depending on where you are in the UK. The fee is based on how many bags a business uses on average across all orders, so different places will use a different number of bags.
If I don’t need bags, can I avoid paying the bag fee?
No, it is not possible to opt out of having bags.
Why can't I opt out of paying the bag fee?
This is a blanket charge for the general amount of bags used by businesses following government guidance that all businesses are required to charge for all plastic carrier bags they provide. It does not necessarily mean you will receive a bag as the fee is based on how many bags the business uses on average across all orders.
Can I be refunded for receiving a paper bag?
This depends on where you are in the UK; Scotland, Wales, England or Northern Ireland. The fee is based on how many bags a business uses on average across all orders, so it does not necessarily mean you'll receive a bag.
Why has this only just been extended to restaurants?
Recent legislation expanded this beyond supermarkets to all businesses.
Why am I being charged a general amount for bags, regardless of how many bags I receive?
The fee is based on how many bags the business uses on average across all orders and does not take into account how many bags are used for each order.