How do delivery codes work?

  • Updated

When you make your next order, you may notice a delivery code in your order details. Delivery codes will give you peace of mind that your order will get to you.

Where is the delivery code? I can’t find it

If a delivery code was assigned to your order, it will appear in your order details, next to your order status.

I wasn’t home when the order was delivered and it was left somewhere else. Why?

When you place an order to be delivered to a specified address, you are confirming that someone will be present to receive it. If no one is home, the courier will leave your order at the door.

I placed an order for my friend/relative. Do they need to give the code to the courier?

Yes, please share the delivery code with the person accepting the order.

Can a courier give me my order if I don’t share the code?

No, if an order has a delivery code assigned, the courier must be given the correct code before completing the delivery. If the courier is not given the correct code, the order will be returned. In this case, it may not be possible to issue a refund.

How do I give the courier the code?

You should share the code with the courier at the time of delivery in order for them to hand over your order. Please refrain from sharing your code with the courier via Live Chat (if this function is available).